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So far admin has created 5 blog entries.

Social Media Signals are Growing: The Future of Search Engine Optimization (2022)

In today's world, there are many sources for news and information. This blog post will cover one that has been gaining momentum in recent years: social media networks such as Facebook or Twitter can help improve your search engine rankings by providing extra content to show off on those sites along with their own brand pages where they share engaging material from users' posts across all kinds of categories, including sports events happening right now! With technology evolving at a breakneck pace, it seems almost unmanageable, but we're going to go over six strategies you could use, if interested. The recent rise of social media as a source for information has led many people to question whether or not they should be optimizing their [...]

2022-06-14T18:59:22+00:00Growth Hacking|

Advocacy Marketing: What It Is and How You Do It (+ Examples)

Imagine this: hundreds of micro-influencers suddenly start promoting your brand for free.You haven’t spent a penny on influencer marketing campaigns. But your social media pages are flooded with brand mentions and glowing reviews of your products and services, which sends your sales through the roof.That is the power of advocacy marketing. Advocacy marketing gives you the ability to influence the way your customers talk about your brand to others. It’s simple, affordable, effective – and absolutely essential for any marketing strategy in 2020. We’re going to show you how to leverage the power of advocacy marketing for your business. We’ll be explaining exactly what advocacy marketing is and how to do it. Stick around until the end to look through some inspirational examples from brands that [...]


Why Social Media Listening Matters in 2020

As entrepreneur Richard Branson once said, “success comes from listening to your customers.” If your brand isn’t listening to what your customers think, feel, and want, you’re guessing.Every marketer understands the value of listening to what customers are saying. But figuring out how to do it at scale has always been a challenge.Thanks to the meteoric rise of platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, we now have a solution – social media listening. In this post, we’re going to explain exactly what social media listening is and why it’s important. We’ll also show you how to use it to develop your marketing strategy and improve your customer service. Stick around until the end to find our top recommendations for social media listening tools! Table of [...]


How to Use Peer to Peer Marketing with Account-Based Strategies

Peer to peer marketing (P2P) and account-based marketing (ABM) are both forms of targeting and reaching potential customers. While neither one is a new concept, today’s technology has made them easier to put into practice. ABM was used back in the 60’s by one of the largest figures in the advertising world: David Ogilvy. But digital marketers today don’t need the budget of Ogilvy & Mather to make it happen. To learn how you can effectively use both methods together to craft personalized, cost-effective campaigns, this article will discuss everything from the basics of P2P and ABM to targeting and the role of personalization. What is peer to peer marketing (P2P)? Peer to peer marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing. In short, it’s a form of [...]


Getting Started With Peer To Peer Marketing

BY KATIE DODD SYK Consumers of today are savvier than ever before. This probably has something to do with the 6,000 to 10,000 advertisements they are exposed to on a daily basis. Filtering out what’s worth paying attention to and what’s fluff has become a necessity. It also means that direct advertising isn’t as effective as it once was. More and more often, consumers are looking to those they trust when making purchasing decisions. That’s why the golden concept of peer-to-peer marketing is getting the spotlight. It builds on that trust to create value for businesses. Peer-to-peer (P2P) marketing is a metod where you let your current customer base promote your brand to their peers. Also known as word-of-mouth marketing, peer-to-peer marketing is about getting your [...]

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